A taste of Google App Script (2 of 2)

In previous article (A taste of Google App Script (1 of 2)), I have covered some basics of Google App Script as WebApp. Here, I’ll share some problems I’ve encountered.

Log message to console

Loggin is very important for developers to trace how the program works. Depends on where the code executes, logging is slightly different.

For server code

Logger.log("debug message"); can be used in code, and location of the outputs depend on how you execute the code.

If you execute the code via the code editor, output messages can be found from editor's menu ViewLogs.

If code execution is outside of the editor, e.g. called by browser via google.script.run.functionToDebug(), output message is located in dashboard which can also be accessed via editor's menu item ViewExecutions.

To know more about advanced logging setup, check the Stackdriver section from Google App Script documentation.

For browser code

Similar to other Web App development, console.log("debug message"); can be used and observe the message in developer console, e.g. F12 of Google Chrome.

Modify URL of deployed WebApp

Can I have an nice URL?
Do I have control over the URL?

The short answer is no.

Alternatively, other web hosting services like Google Sites, Netlify or Github Pages can be used to serve the web pages that references to the contents of the the WebApp.

Serve multiple HTML pages

Since there is only one entry for get request of generated URL, one can use URL parameter to decide return different pages.

Using below server code, the url <webapp url>?page=1 in browser will get the content of page1.html.

function doGet(e) {
  switch (e.parameter.page) {
    case "1":
      return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('page1').evaluate();
    case "2":
      return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('page2').evaluate();
      // When no specific page requested, return "home page"
      return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('index').evaluate();

Pass value from server side code to client side (e.g. browser) on demand

From browser, google.script.run can be used to execute code in server side and obtain result.

Server side code (Code.gs)

function getMagicNumber(){
    return 100;

Client side code (browser javascript)

function getMagicNumberFromRemote(){
    function handleSuccess(data) {

    function handleFailure(e) {

Pass BLOB from server side

As of the time of writing (and since 2016 as on Stackoverflow), passing BLOB directly is not working and resulting an error.

The workaround is to encode the BLOB with base 64 encoding and send as string as in this Stackoverflow.com answer.

Server side code (Code.gs)

function getBlobInBase64(fileId){
  // omit authorization code if any

  var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);
  var blob = file .getBlob();
  return {
    file_name: file.getName(),
    mime: file.getMimeType(),
    b64: Utilities.base64Encode(blob.getBytes())

Client side code (browser javascript)

function getFile(fileId){
  google.script.run.withSuccessHandler((data) => {

    var uri = 'data:' + data.mime + ';charset=ISO-8859-1;base64,' + encodeURIComponent(data.b64);
    downloadURI(uri, data.file_name);

  }).withFailureHandler((err) => {

However, since there is no document about this, things may changed.

Include external JS library

Well yes, but actually no.

For npm packages, they cannot be used since Google App Script is not a node.js environment.

For vanilla JS libraries, theorically, eval(), or even copy and paste the source code as a .gs file, can be used. However, those may depends on browser functions that also not provided by Google App Script environment.


This is the end of this two part series about Google App Script. I hope this helps you understand more about Google App Script and use it happily.

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