A taste of Google App Script (1 of 2)

Recently I’ve made a WebApp with Google App Script that generate documents using Google Docs with template engine. In this series, I’ll share what I’ve found about Google App Script during working on that WebApp.

What is Google App Script

Google App Script is a add-on service for G suite. In other words, it allows you to easily script automation and integration G suite services (e.g. Google Drive, Gmail, Google Doc, etc.) without building application from scratch and managing servers.

Why should I use it

If your project needs some G suite functions, like sending out email by Gmail, use Google Sheets for storing data, or store files to Google Drive. This is the right tool for you.

101: Write an app to generate Google Doc

Let's understand Google App Script more by making one.

1. Add Google App Script application from market

Open the market by clicking the new button Click on the new button

Select + Connect more apps Select connect more apps

Search and add Google App Script Search and add Google App Script

2. Create new google script project

Add a Google App Script from new button Add Google App Script

3. Add server side code (Code.gs)

Open the Code.gs (which is opened by default), paste the following code and save.

Add server side code

function doGet(){
    return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('index').evaluate();

function generateGoogleDoc(){
  // Create a new Google Doc named 'Hello, world!'
  var doc = DocumentApp.create('Hello, world!');

  // Access the body of the document, then add a paragraph.
  doc.getBody().appendParagraph('This document was created by Google Apps Script.');

4. Add browser page (index.html)

Add a new HTML file, name it as index.html, paste the following code and save.

Add browser page

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <button onclick="generate()">Generate</button>
  function generate(){

5. Deploy

Up to this point, we have finished coding. It's time to deploy this Web App.

Start deploy

Since this WebApp is only for our practice, just run on behalf of yourself and go with the default settings.

Setting deployment

You will need to authorize this web app to use Google Doc with your Google Account


Before authorize, you will need to accept this wanring.


Once deployment completed, you can have the URL to your WebApp.

Deployment complete

6. Try it out

With the URL from last step, you can see there is only a button

Screenshot of the Web App

After clicking it, you will find a Google Doc is generated from Google Doc or Google Drive.

Generated Google Doc


Now you have a WebApp that generate Google Doc. In the next article, I’ll cover some problems I’ve found and my solution or workaround for them.

Next article: A taste of Google App Script (2 of 2)

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